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Craving some of our breakfast pancakes? Fear not, we share our secret recipe below!

After four weeks of lockdown with no end in sight we've decided to release a few Ju Ju's brunch and dinner recipes to keep you cooking and sane. Whilst you can't enjoy them on our canal side terrace in the sunshine just yet we hope you'll think of us when you chow down on your spongey pancake delights this coming week.

The Ingredients (makes 8 - 9 pancakes)

200g self raising flour

1 1/2 tsp baking powder

1 tbsp castor sugar

200ml milk

3 eggs

25g melted or soft butter

The Technique

Mix everything in a large bowl until smooth.

Pop a bit of oil in a pan and heat.

Pop your mixture in and keep the temperature low. We use rings in our kitchen to keep the pancakes the same size and to keep them thick and gorgeous.

The temperature needs to be low to moderate to cook the pancake slowly as otherwise you'll end up with two burnt sides and raw pancake in the middle.

Once your pancakes are cooked cover them in your toppings! We love banana with our homemade salted caramel, our berry compote with sweet syrup or bacon and sausage with lashings of maple syrup. What's your favourite topping?

Please note we make our pancakes super thick usually using a small soup ladle to measure out the portion, if you're less bothered about the thickness you can make thinner ones and get more portions from your batter.

Tag us in photos of your pancakes on social media and hash tag them #jujuscafe


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