Updates to safety measures 12th October 2020
- We now require all customers to wear facemarks when entering the cafe and at all times apart from when seated at a table.
- All inside tables are for a maximum of 6 guests from one household or support bubble.
We have implemented some changes to make sure our restaurant is extra safe for you and our team when we re-openfully on Saturday 1st August. Please read some of the changes we've made below and if you have any questions don't hesitate to contact beatrice@jujuscafe.org.uk.

Firstly if you or anyone in your household is feeling unwell we ask you to save your visit for another day.
Social Distancing
As much as we love a welcome cuddle or cwtch at the door we ask you to respect everyone’s personal space by maintaining social distancing where possible.
The entrance to Ju Ju’s Café has changed, you will now find it sign posted to the right of our venue on the canal. We ask you to wait outside our new entrance to be seated – this is so we can explain how things work and make sure we don’t have too many people inside at any one time.
We are currently only accepting tables of up to 6 guests and, in line with current Covid-19 guidelines for restaurants, each table must be from no more than two houses or support bubbles.
We have of course reduced the number of tables to ensure social distancing is adhered too – lots of thought has gone into the positioning of tables and chairs for your safety and comfort.
We are taking the cleaning of Ju Ju’s Cafe seriously and can reassure you that high contact touch points are sanitised frequently, card machines are sanitised between each use and tables and chairs are sanitised between each customer.
Our toilets are also cleaned every hour and each toilet will have antibacterial spray should you wish to sanitise before using the facilities. There are also hand sanitising points throughout our cafe and you will be asked to sanitise your hands before entering.
All of our front of house staff have been trained to keep as much distance from you as possible when serving drinks, food and taking orders. All condiments on the table, including salt and pepper, will be sanitised after every table. Cutlery will be placed in a pot which, when you have finished eating, will be washed along with all plates and cutlery as usual.
All of our staff, whether working in the kitchen or front of house, will be wearing face masks.
Menu’s will be accessible either on your phone or we will provide paper menus which will only be used once before recycling.
We will also be operating a limited menu to facilitate our new safety measures. Should your favourite dish be missing let Ju Ju know and we’ll endeavour to have it on the menu for your next visit.
No Cash
We do not accept cash payments anymore and ask customers to use contactless payments where possible. If you would like to leave a tip there is an option to do so via card when paying your bill.
Outside Tables
It is our policy not to reserve outside tables, they are taken on a first come first serve basis as we cannot guarantee the weather. If you choose to sit outside and it does start to rain we may not be able to seat you inside due to social distancing restrictions.
Test and Trace
The government requires us to keep the contact details of one member of your party. We encourage bookings to make this process smoother in a busy service.
If you’d like to chat about any of these changes don’t hesitate to contact us -